2014-2015年:受国家留学基金资助,公派赴美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)工业与系统工程系,访问学者;
系统可靠性分析与设计 |
工业工程前沿 |
制造系统建模与仿真 |
工业工程创新实践 |
工业工程导论 |
机械工程学报,中国机械工程,上海交通大学学报,工业工程,金年会信誉至上学报,吉林大学学报,哈尔滨工业大学学报,北京航空航天大学学报,重庆大学学报,振动与冲击,系统工程与电子技术,Quality and Reliability Engineering International,Computer & Industrial Engineering,Reliability Engineering and System Safety,International Journal of Production Research,Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O Journal of Risk and Reliability,Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics等
2009年,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖——科学技术进步二等奖 |
2013年,入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才资助项目 |
2017年,金年会信誉至上教学成果奖二等奖(第1获奖人) |
[1] Su Chun, Shen Jinyun. Analysis of extended warranty policies with different repair options. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2012, 25(1): 49-62.
[2] Su Chun, Jin Quan, Fu Yequn. Correlation analysis for wind speed and failure rate of wind turbines using time series approach.Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2012, 4(3): 1-13.
[3] Su Chun, Zhang Yongjin, Cao Baixue. Forecast model for real-time reliability of storage system based on periodic inspection and maintenance data. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability, 2012, 14(4): 342-348.
[4] Su Chun, Shen Jinyun. A novel multi-hidden semi-Markov model for degradation state identification and remaining useful lifetime estimation. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2013, 29(8): 1181-1192.
[5] Su Chun, Fu Yequn. Reliability assessment for wind turbines considering the influence of wind speed using Bayesian network. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability, 2014, 16(1): 1-8.
[6] Su Chun, Xu Aijuan. Buffer allocation for hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing system considering quality grading. International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 52(5): 1269-1284.
[7] Su Chun, Wang Xiaolin. Optimizing upgrade level and preventive maintenance policy for second-hand products sold with warranty. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2014, 228(5): 518-528.
[8] Su Chun, Wang Xiaolin. Modeling flexible two-dimensional warranty contracts for used products considering reliability improvement actions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2016, 230(2): 237-247.
[9] Su Chun, Wang Xiaolin. A two-stage preventive maintenance optimization model incorporating two- dimensional extended warranty. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2016, 155:169-178.
[10] Wang Xiaolin, Su Chun. A two-dimensional preventive maintenance strategy for items sold with warranty. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(19): 5901-5915.
[11] Su Chun, Wang Xiaolin. Optimal upgrade policy for used products sold with two-dimensional warranty. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2016, 32(8): 2889-2899.
[12] Su Chun, Lin Ning, Fu Yequn. Multi-state reliability assessment for hydraulic lifting system based on the theory of dynamic Bayesian networks. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2016, 230(6): 533-544.
[13] Su Chun, Shi Yangmei, Dou Jianping. Multi-objective optimization of buffer allocation for remanufacturing system based on TS-NSGAII hybrid algorithm. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 166: 756-770.
[14] Su Chun, Cheng Longfei. An availability-based warranty policy considering preventive maintenance and learning effects. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2018, 232(6): 576-586.
[15] Su Chun, Hu Zhaoyong. Reliability assessment for Chinese domestic wind turbines based on data mining techniques. Wind Energy, 2018, 21(3): 198-209.
[16] Su Chun, Cheng Longfei. Two-dimensional preventive maintenance optimum for equipments sold with availability-based warranty. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2019, 233(4): 648-657.
[17] Su Chun, Yang Xiaotian. Two-stage optimization model for renewing warranty considering warranty deadline. Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(10), 2845-2853.
[18] Su Chun, Liu Yang. Multi-objective imperfect preventive maintenance optimisation with NSGA-II. International Journal of Production Research, 2020, 58(13): 4033-4049.
[19] Su Chun, Hu Zhaoyong, Liu Yang. Multi-component opportunistic maintenance optimization for wind turbine with consideration of seasonal factor. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(2): 490-499.
[20] Su Chun, Li Le, Wen Zejun. Remaining useful life prediction via a variational autoencoder and a time-window-based sequence neural network. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2020, 36(5):1639-1656.
[21] Zheng Rui, Su Chun, Zheng Yuqiao. Flexible warranty policies for repairable products considering downtime loss. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2020, 234(3) 527-535.
[22] Zheng Rui, Su Chun. A flexible two-dimensional warranty policy with two continuous warranty regions. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2020, 36(6): 2003-2018.
[23] Su Chun, Chen Hongjing, Wen Zejun. Prediction of remaining useful life for lithium-ion battery with multiple health indicators. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability, 2021, 23 (1): 176-183.
[24] 苏春, 陈武. 考虑经济相关性的风力机系统状态维修优化. 金年会信誉至上学报: 自然科学版, 2016, 46(5): 1007-1012.
[25] 苏春, 黄漪. 装配误差传递建模及其精度可靠性评估. 中国机械工程, 2017, 28(19): 2359-2364.
[26] 罗宏亮, 胡祥涛, 苏春, 陈帝江. 机械产品装配精度可靠性评估软件开发与应用. 电子机械工程, 2017, 33(6): 59-64.
[27] 胡照勇, 苏春, 吴泽. 基于SCADA数据的国产风力机可靠性评估. 可再生能源, 2017, 35(6): 868-874.
[28] Liu Yang, Su Chun. Availability-based maintenance optimization under unequal inspection period and imperfect repair. Journal of Southeast University, 2018, 34(3): 303-308.
[29] 苏春, 胡照勇, 郑玉巧. 基于可用度约束的风力机单部件顺序维修优化. 金年会信誉至上学报: 自然科学版, 2019, 49(1): 110-115.
[30] 张晓磊, 苏春. 考虑预防性维修的柔性二维延长质保定价策略研究. 西北工业大学学报, 2019, 37(2): 393-400.
[31] 杨智飞, 苏春, 胡祥涛, 陈帝江. 面向智能生产车间的多AGV系统多目标调度优化. 金年会信誉至上学报, 2019, 49(6): 1033-1040.
[32] 黄魁, 苏春. 基于灰色神经网络组合模型的故障预测. 系统工程与电子技术, 2020, 42(1): 238-244.
[33] 苏春, 赵家彬. 基于产品使用率的柔性基本质保策略优化设计. 上海交通大学学报, 2020, 54(11): 1182-1188.
[34] 王艺斐, 苏春, 谢明江. 基于二元逆高斯过程的腐蚀输油管道剩余寿命预测. 金年会信誉至上学报(自然科学版), 2020, 50(6): 1038-1044.
[35] 苏春主编. 数字化设计与制造(第3版). 北京:机械工业出版社,2019.
[36] 苏春编著. 制造系统建模与仿真(第3版). 北京:机械工业出版社,2019.
复杂机电液系统动态可靠性建模理论及其实验研究 | 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 | 2005/01-2007/12 | 主持 | |
基于不确定性的汽车再制造生产计划与调度理论研究 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2007/01-2009/12 | 主持 | |
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随机使用环境下产品柔性质保模型及其工程应用研究 | 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目 | 2014/09-2016/05 | 主持 | |
基于SCADA现场数据的国产风力机可靠性评估理论与维修优化模型研究 | 江苏风力发电工程技术中心开放基金项目 | 2015/11-2017/12 | 主持 | |
基于现场数据挖掘的国产风力机可靠性评估与维修优化 | 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目 | 2016/09-2018/05 | 主持 | |
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